Alaina Feister: Focus on Higher Goals

Ксенія Евренсон
Ксенія Евренсон: Особливе завдання жінки – знайти себе в цьому житті
3 Січня, 2023
Luiza Ansay
“I am art” – actress and artist Luiza Ansay
23 Лютого, 2023
Alaina Feister
A deep interest in the human soul and power of words, as well as wanderlust, naturally Alaina Feister created a business in digital marketing. This inspiring woman knows how to catch the wave of latest trends while keeping inner balance and staying focused on higher goals.
Alaina Feister

I loved the idea of location independence and being my own boss, and I saw how many companies needed help in this space

You are a specialist in English literature and psychology and a very attractive woman radiating harmony. Tell us what people and events set the stage for your «romance» with digital marketing.
I do have a background in English Literature and Psychology as I got a dual major bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, and I was on track to becoming a therapist, but once I started gaining knowledge in the power of social media and how it can help transform companies, I decided to create my own business. I loved the idea of location independence and being my own boss, and I saw how many companies needed help in this space. I hired a business coach for 6 months while I was in college to help me create a real company and to also get my mindset right and eliminate any limiting beliefs standing in my way. By the time I graduated college, I was making a full-time income online helping different companies run social media marketing campaigns. I’ve always loved to travel and really fell in love with a traveling lifestyle while doing Study Abroad in Greece for a year in college. This also created an appeal for me to create an online business, because it allowed me to work online and continue traveling anywhere with a wifi connection. Because of this, I lived the digital nomad lifestyle for a year as well, working online and living in Bali, Indonesia, traveling around Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and then in Romania, France, Spain, and Malta while growing my business and personal brand. During this time, I had a travel blog and helped promote resorts in Southeast Asia using my platform. Eventually, I moved to Los Angeles permanently to live and expand my company which is called Enlightened Media.  Although I never directly used my bachelor’s degrees, my writing skills and understanding of psychology have greatly supported the skills I use to market different companies today. 

Alaina Feister

I work with have a demographic that typically spends hours a day on these platforms and so we create marketing campaigns that will show up where our target audience’s attention is at

Could you name some of the most effective digital marketing tools of our time? Which ones do you personally use?
I have an agency that focuses on social media including Instagram, Facebook, and Ticktock because the brands I work with have a demographic that typically spends hours a day on these platforms and so we create marketing campaigns that will show up where our target audience’s attention is at. Because I mostly work with medical spas and beauty companies, visual platforms like Instagram work very well for these industries. It’s obvious that social media has completely changed the world and so my company helps brands keep up with the changing times in the digital space. Having a strong brand on social media is a very powerful business tool and continuously creating new content, connecting with influencers, and keeping an audience engaged and growing is what Enlightened Media does.  

Alaina Feister

Each week I schedule in hot yoga, weightlifting sessions, daily meditation, monthly facials and monthly reiki to clear my energy

How do you balance work, leisure, and time with loved ones?
I always create time to spend with loved ones and fly home to Michigan at least a couple times a year to see my family. Because I partially work online, it allows me more time to be able to travel and create my own schedule. I always prioritize my health and well-being and make sure to not overwork myself too much. Each week I schedule in hot yoga, weightlifting sessions, daily meditation, monthly facials and monthly reiki to clear my energy. Even when I’m working a lot, I’m always trying new things, meeting new people and traveling to new places to keep life exciting and to keep growing as a person. It’s important as a marketer to stay creative and to always have fresh ideas so I incorporate this into my lifestyle. 

Alaina Feister

I love to help others get a transformation in their lives, whether it be by creating a business or expanding a current one

What is your goal now? What would you like to achieve in the near future? Have you ever thought of writing a book and if yes, would it be fiction or, maybe, business advice?
My Goal this year is to focus more on growing my personal brand @alainainthelight and of course to keep growing my company. I would like to do more coaching and consulting work to help other young women create similar businesses that I have been able to create because there is so much opportunity in 2023 to still create a successful marketing agency if you really have the desire to do so. I love to help others get a transformation in their lives, whether it be by creating a business or expanding a current one. I’ve also gotten into modeling since moving to Los Angeles and plan to do more professional modeling in 2023. 
Yes, I have always dreamed of being an author since I was very young, and I do plan to write fiction books in the near future. That is a major reason I actually decided to study English Literature in college. In my adolescent years, I was reading at least a book a week and I’ve always had a big love for creative writing and storytelling. I see myself writing spiritual fiction-style novels similar to Paulo Coelho. I think he is an excellent writer and I love the deep meaning and wisdom behind his writing. 

Photographer: Jason Rivera
Dresses: Will Franco
Jewelry: Baharnaz Jewelry